Festival Club

Error 404 Cocktail Opening Party | 17.10 | 20:00 | Vi & Tving Stage Design
After the opening exhibition, we invite you to the Error 404 Cocktail Opening Party.
Signal from Nowhere | Vi & TvingStageDesign _PL
An audiovisual performance in panoramic format by a duo from Wrocław, based on the concept of unexpected internet signals generated in real time. The project encourages reflection on whether we have any control over the unsettling signals, chaos, and transmission errors that appear in the network without a known source.

Concrete Casings | 19.10 | 22:00 | Touchy Toy Collective
An audiovisual performance in panoramic format by an Italian collective, based on photogrammetrically scanned 3D images of spaces on the outskirts of Rome, filled with ruined buildings and unfinished projects – symbols of failed and flawed plans. Illegal construction, rigged tenders, and negligence have led to the creation of abandoned construction sites, which stand as eternal testimonies to these failures. These ruined structures resemble fossils of broken promises and dreams. Instead of thriving and developing communities, the outskirts of Rome are filled with crumbling concrete and steel skeletons that mar the landscape. Each abandoned building tells a story of corruption, incompetence, and wasted resources. Rusty scaffolding and unfinished walls are monuments to poor management, a warning about the consequences of greed and neglect. These urban skeletons, though silent, scream of the need for reform and a vision that will restore dignity and beauty to the outskirts of Rome.

Error 404 & debugging Closing Party | 20.10 | 21:00
The festival closing in excellent company, debugging, and farewells over an *Error 404* cocktail.