Victorine van Alphen is an audiovisual artist, philosopher, and curator who creates transmedial works that extrapolate current techno-cultural trends into futuristic experiences. Combining her expertise as a performer and philosopher, she explores the boundaries between nature and culture, rationality and sensuality, control and submission, materiality and immateriality, analog and digital, and reality and virtuality. Her works require viewers to transition through different modes of perception, as Van Alphen describes them.
In her radical research journey, Van Alphen spent 6 months in CGI, discovering procedural technologies she now uses to create “cyborgs” in VR. Her posthumanist IVF-X project won the Golden Calf for Digital Culture at the Netherlands Film Festival.
Van Alphen completed degrees in philosophy and interdisciplinary sciences, as well as audiovisual arts at Rietveld University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam. Her transdisciplinary approach is evident in her ongoing research into “choreographing ways of being.”