A philosopher and cultural studies scholar with a PhD in Cultural and Religious Studies. Her research interests encompass virtual reality, philosophical anthropology, and the analysis of popular culture. She is the author of books such as Soteriology of Atheism as a New Anthropology and The Concept of Faith in Karl Barth’s Römerbrief in addition to numerous articles on classical and contemporary philosophy, popular culture discourses, and futuristic imagination.
Currently, she works at the Department of Information Technology and Media within the Faculty of Humanities at AGH University, where she teaches cognitive science, cultural theory, contemporary literature, and the design and use of VR and AR technologies. She has undertaken scholarships and internships at various prestigious institutions, including Swansea University, Cambridge University, Leipzig Universität, Aalborg University, and Carlos Universodad in Madrid. Furthermore, she is a co-founder of the EduVRLab Virtual Reality Research Laboratory at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, and she has been serving as its manager since 2019.